Blue Era, here we go!

On Tuesday January 30, 2024, all the partners in the ERASMUS+ Blue Era project gathered at ULCO to take part in the official launch of the project (KOM). A total of 25 participants from 5 different countries and 9 universities (Italy, Greece, Jordan, Egypt and Tunisia) met for 3 days in Boulogne-sur-Mer.

The program included presentation of the various partners, presentation of the project, validation of objectives and definition of the action plan. Participants have also exchanged views with the Aquimer competitiveness cluster team, visited the Oceanology and Geosciences Laboratory and the Nausicàa the National Sea Centre.

The project, led by the Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale and headed by Rachid Amara, ULCO’s Vice-President for International Relations and professor in marine ecology, will enable the establishment of a novel master’s degree program for sustainable blue economy in the south Mediterranean region (Region 3 countries: Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan).

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